Wireless internet isn't magic, but it’s really, really close

Engineered to work together

We designed every piece of hardware ourselves to ensure it works seamlessly to beam internet from the tops of towers to building receivers and right into your home without a hitch.

Starry Titan

Small but powerful

We mount this innovative antenna on radio towers and skyscrapers to transmit internet across a city. Unlike other providers, we only need one to cover a whole neighborhood, so you probably won't see it unless you happen to be a superhero who spends a lot of time hanging out on rooftops.

Get the deets
  • Coverage radius:
    ~2 km
  • Bandwidth capacity:
    Over 5Gbps
  • RF Frequency range:
    24GHz and 37GHz
  • Typical beam elevation:
    Above 100 feet
Starry Trident

Bringing the internet to a building

Starry Trident is a receiver designed specifically for use on larger apartment buildings. It picks up signal from Starry Titan and uses the building’s existing wiring to deliver internet to the router in your home.

Bring Starry to your building

Starry Comet

For single-family homes and smaller apartment buildings, Starry Comet. It’s a small - but powerful